Monitores de video, parlantes, tubos, dispositivos electrónicos y pintura.
Instalación site-specific / Installation site-specific
Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2017
// español
Los errores de sistema como materia prima son capaces de reproducir, generar, manipular e intervenir material audiovisual en relación a su propio espacio interno-habitado. Expandiendo sus extremos de representación, reconfigurando su diseño y explorando el lado b del aparato hasta instalarlo como posibilidad estética y política. Son desechos potencialmente latentes de su propio desvío. Sin embargo, hay algo que escapa a la idea de ser nombrado, algo que se diluye entre las palabras, algo que no encaja en su propio recipiente y es justamente allí donde estalla la matriz. Nada hay fuera de ello y al atravesarnos nos constituye.
// english
System errors as raw material are capable of reproducing, generating, manipulating and intervening audiovisual material in relation to their own internal-inhabited space. Expanding its extremes of representation, reconfiguring its design and exploring the b-side of the apparatus until it is installed as an aesthetic and political possibility. They are potentially latent wastes of their own detour. However, there is something that escapes the idea of being named, something that dissolves between the words, something that does not fit into its own container and it is precisely there that the matrix explodes. There is nothing outside of it and when it crosses us it constitutes us.